Introductory StarCraft 2: Methods of Injecting by /u/Astazha

Original post and reddit thread
Written by /u/Astazha Edited and Notes by Beardie
Inject Methods
“Injects” refers to using a queen’s Spawn Larva spells on hatcheries to increase larva production. This is a fundamental Zerg mechanic and it forms the foundation of the macro cycle for a Zerg player. It is normal to be injecting 3-5 hatcheries and during the early and mid-game it is important to perform this task every 30 seconds without much delay. A number of different methods have been developed by players to streamline this task and those methods will be the main focus of this post.
- How do I select my queens to inject?
- How do I issue the Spawn Larva command?
- How do I manage my camera location during this process to facilitate selecting the hatcheries?
- The three questions and their possible answers.
- Five examples of common inject methods.
- An in-depth discussion of wandering queens.
Answering the Questions
Queen Selection Methods
Spawn Larvae Command Methods
Camera Management
Method Combinations
Camera Location Hotkeys + Manual Selection and Inject
- Trains use of base cameras.
- Never produces wandering queens.
- Does not use up any hotkeys for inject queens.
- Provides a natural checkup on each base.
- Easy and intuitive to compensate for dead queens.
- Simplest method to learn.
- Slightly slower than some other methods.
- Returning queens to station after pulling them for defense is a manual process.
Core Inject
- Trains use of base cameras.
- Returning queens to station after pulling them for defense can be accomplished by performing a normal inject cycle.
- One of the faster methods.
- Allows easily compensating for known dead queens.
- Provides a natural checkup on each base.
- Can produce wandering queens.
- The tendency to cycle rapidly through the base cams can produce errors when compensating for dead queens and can limit the value of the natural checkup since the base is only in view very briefly.
- Requires some practice to get used to.
Individual Control Group + Manual Inject
- Does not produce wandering queens.
- Inject queens are already on individual control groups for defense and returning them to their previous locations is fairly straightforward.
- Provides a natural checkup on each base.
- Slower than some other methods.
- Uses up one control group per location being injected.
- Does not train camera hotkeys.
- Can fail to center camera on the base that needs to be injected if the queen has been moved for defense or killed.
Backspace Method
- Extremely fast in simple scenarios where every base needs to be injected.
- Inject queens are already on a control group for defense.
- A normal inject cycle can be used to return queens to their station after pulling them for defense.
- Provides a brief checkup on each base.
- Backspace naturally centers the camera on the hatchery.
- More prone to wandering queens than most methods.
- Does not train camera hotkeys.
- Takes camera to all bases, not just the ones that need to be injected.
- Requires some practice to get used to.
Mini-map Method
- Pretty fast, depending on speed and accuracy of the mouse-hand to select hatcheries on the mini-map.
- Can be done without taking eyes off of a battle or scout.
- A normal inject cycle can be used to return queens to their station after pulling them for defense.
- Does not train camera location hotkey usage.
- Does not provide a base checkup.
- Does not provide visual indication of wandering queens when that happens.
- Can be slow if the user is not good at clicking hatcheries on the mini-map.
- Requires more mouse movement instead of having your mouse near the middle of the screen, it must move from where it was to the bottom corner and back.
Alternate Combinations
These are just some common examples. Other combinations are possible. One could use the Backspace camera with manual selection and command, or One could Double Tap and then use Rapid Fire to perform the actual inject. One could use Individual Hotkey selection and Manual injection via the Mini-map. These are all valid methods, but they may lack defining strengths to promote their use.
Wandering Queens
A problem that is common to all Single Control Group methods (and only to those methods) is wandering queens. When Smart casting decides to assign an inject command to a distant queen rather than a close queen, that distant queen will walk to the selected hatchery and inject it. Because Smart casting prefers to use a local queen when she has enough energy and is available for the command, this only happens in some specific situations:
Low energy
Return to Station
Notes – Beardie
There are many different ways that you can inject hatcheries and I would recommend the method that you enjoy the most/are most comfortable with. With that being said I personally believe that manual injects using camera location hotkeys have the most positives and can be learned to be done nearly as fast as the fastest methods. Using camera location hotkeys to defend against things like drops are incredibly useful and you can still put all of your injecting queens on a hotkey to use for defense, just manually box when you want to inject.
With this manual method, you can shift queue multiple injects onto one hatch easily with the selected queen and when you have a macro hatchery you can box both queens and then manual inject each hatchery once. Also never having to worry about wandering queens is a very good thing. Once your queens start wandering, having to put them all back in place can really disrupt your macro cycle.
Thanks to /u/Astazha on reddit for writing the majority of this post and allowing me to use format it and edit it for this site.